The New Rules Of Network Marketing

Network Marketing 101

Alright.  It doesn’t matter if you’re an experienced Network Marketer or just getting into it. What really matters if that you have the patience and understanding to be a true, “big time” , wealthy network marketer. Really you just have to get a better understanding of how the Pros do it and how the “Joes” do it.

Pros vs. Joes in Networking Marketing

If you’re going to encourage people to buy or to sell a product, you may want to actually try it yourself first, so you can make sure it is something worth paying for. There are plenty of marketable products out there, but if you know exactly what is good about a given product, you will be able to sell it considerably better.

Once you have established credibility and the understanding of the product you are selling, you will then want to begin building a network. This is the only way you can possibly avoid the failure that most others experience by doing everything in a legitimate way, rather than cutting corners to save time.

Instead, spend the time to know your product  and spend even more time getting to know everyone in your network. The better they are able to replicate whatever successes you have had, the better your network will do as a cohesive whole.

Watch this 47 minute training video from a 25+ year MLM Veteran, a world class network marketing speaker, and a 7-Figure MLM Earner… this video will not be available for free much longer, so hurry!

Are You An Average Network Marketer?

So what makes network marketers “just average”? What prevents them from breaking through and achieving the success that big names have already experienced? While part of it often has to do with effort and consistency, the most important thing that average network marketers miss is leverage.

They concentrate on small targets and small goals and never put the entire network into perspective. In order to break out of mediocrity, a network marketer must come up with some sort of overarching plan or design that will push them above the marginal day to day activities which are still important, but which will only secure them small gains on average.

Here are some examples of goals that could keep a network marketer “average,” when they could be wildly successful:

• Disorganization. As a network marketer, you will likely have to manage dozens of contacts, hundreds of customers (if it is your product), and all sorts of payment and scheduling information. If you want to be successful, you must have a clear, workable system for every activity you engage in.

• Marginal Focus. While the small gains are important too in fact, they will make up the bulk of your activities as a network marketer  it is more important to focus on big gains, which take more work, but when achieved, will completely gain how your network functions. An average network marketer often wont see beyond what is marginal.

• Unrealistic Goals. This almost always kills anyone who attempts to create a network or start an Internet business   they set unrealistic goals and attempt to achieve them in an unrealistic period of time. The end result is a complete disaster.

If you want to be an average marketer and make an average salary, then don’t bother to shatter these three restrictions on your success.

Stay safely within these boundaries and do not try to restructure  on the other hand, if you want to take your network marketing to the next level, you must figure out how to bypass all of these.

Differentiating The Best From The Rest

What makes top network marketers different from everyone else? This seems like a simple enough question    and yet anyone who has failed at network marketing knows that it isn’t. Anyone who has failed can probably name a person who is raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars each.

With network marketing he can probably tell you exactly what that person says he is doing, but for whatever reason, she cannot duplicate his success.  While these top network marketers seem to be doing obvious things and making money with it, everyone else can’t seem to duplicate their success. So what is the difference between everyone else and them?

The major difference between most successful and unsuccessful network marketers is that successful network marketers have gained significant leverage over a long period of time. This leverage then gave them access to a number of other things, including expert help, credibility, and virtually unlimited resources.

This often creates a problem that they do not see when they are attempting to train their network   as a credible person in the field with significant resources, they can do a number of things that new network marketers simply cannot.

So rather than looking at what top network marketers are doing differently than everyone else, it might be better to look at what top network marketers did to become “top network marketers.” In this case, the answer is almost always simple and the same to become “top network marketers,” .

They started out by developing a system that actually worked for them and then they figured out how other people could duplicate that system relatively well. They then put in the effort to recruit a number of new network marketers and then had those marketers bring in friends.

Making Network Marketing A Habit

As a network marketer, there are a number of habits you have to develop. Not only do you have to develop certain habits, you have to make network marketing a habit. Just as bad habits can constantly prevent you from doing things that are critically important, good habits can force you to do the exact opposite. But in order to have these habits and to employ them successfully, you first must spend the time to develop them.

Superb Salesmanship

One of the most important habits you must develop is great salesmanship. No matter how good your product is, no one is going to want to sell it if you can’t convince them to do so.

The greater part of doing this is learning the art of salesmanship.

So what do sales entail? Primarily, salesmanship entails being able to communicate everything clearly and concisely.

While there are a number of important devices you can use as a salesperson, none is as important as being able to clearly explain what it is that you want your target audience to understand.

This will be important in two instances   the first is convincing customers that your product is worth buying. In order to do this, you will have to clearly connect the product as a solution to a problem they have.

You will also have to clearly communicate the benefits and explain why it is different or better than similar products. Now, in the second instance, you must “sell” the opportunity to all of the members of your network. I personally suggest you do this in an honest and ethical way.

If they can’t realistically earn $30,000/year the first year in your program, then do not tell them that. Rather, tell them what people actually have made and what was required. It is always important to clearly communicate to new network members.

Explain to them what it is that they are doing exactly and how you would suggest that they could best get it done. Above all, remember to employ salesmanship often and to develop it as a habit, not just a skill.

Helping Other People

Another habit you’ll have to pickup is to like to help others, even before you attempt to help yourself. This sounds counter intuitive, especially if your goal is simply to make money at any cost however, as almost all network marketers learn, helping others and helping yourself often means the exact same thing.

The reason why this is so true with network marketing is because the best way to earn is to get others to do the work for you    to gain leverage. Without gaining leverage, your best hope is to simply sell the product yourself through some type of direct marketing scheme.

Now, if you want to gain leverage, you have to find ways to teach others to do what you presumably know how to do yourself    which is to find prospects, introduce them to the product, and then close sales. Conversely, if you are shooting for a network perpetuation model, you will want to be able to show people how they can recruit people just like you.

With this being said, there is a significant difference between knowing and doing. You might know how to teach people this process, but if you are unwilling to actually do so, the skill is useless.

So make a habit of helping others especially those in your network. Whenever someone sends you an email, make your best attempt to respond to it quickly and comprehensively.

Even if the person himself is unlikely to earn you any money, your simple act of kindness could stir him to spread the word about your network to his friends.

Additionally, remember that helping others is only one part of the equation   the other is making sure you do it correctly.

If you can’t come up with a workable model for people to replicate your success, then you may not want to begin building a network rather, you might want to stick to direct sales.

You Are Who You Are Around

There’s an old proverb that makes quite a bit of sense when applied to network marketing  “Dig your wells before you need water.” That’s right  before you need someone to sell a product for you or to recruit for you, have that person there, ready, and willing to do it.

If you approach that person for the very first time with a pitch, chances are that he or she will reject your offer on the spot. So how do you go about digging these wells? You start by surrounding yourself with the right people.

That’s right  start making friends. There are a number of places where you can find friends in your field who can potentially be business partners in the future. Perhaps the best place to look for them is on Internet marketing and network marketing forums.

The more popular of these forums are, the better. The Warrior Forum, for instance, has over 30,000 members and boasts the membership of some of many of the industry leaders. Starting at a place like the Warrior Forum is a great way to surround yourself with people who could potentially help you in the future.

However, it is important to understand that you have to be careful when you do this. If you take the wrong approach, you could end up wasting your time and preventing partnerships. One of the best ways in which you can approach this is to make sure to be helpful whenever you post on a forum. At the same time, try to be helpful in ways that specifically showcase your talent.

For instance, if you happen to be an expert on network marketing  or at least very knowledgeable  then take the time to post thoughtful, comprehensive responses to network marketing questions on the forum.

After you’ve spent some time there, you will likely start to notice people who have common interests and positions. Make every effort you can to network with these people. When the time comes to launch a product, your network will already be set in place.

Networking Building is Relationship Building

As I’ve mentioned multiple times, the downfall of most network marketers is that they fail to take the human element into consideration. Rather, they mistakenly see it as somewhat of a numbers game, where the only goal is to increase the size of the network at any cost.

Instead of doing this, get in the habit of networking and building relationships. You can do this by making a profuse effort to gain the trust of every single person in your network. I personally suggest that you do the following in order to achieve this:

• Systematize Training. Whenever someone enrolls in your network, it is important that he or she immediately has access to the same training that all other members have received. You may want to do this by getting him or her to join an auto responder course or to work through some e course. Whatever you do, make sure that each member immediately has access to high quality training.

• Contact All Enrollees Immediately. If someone enrolls in your network, contact that person within a day to personally greet her, to explain who you are, and to explain what she can take advantage of as a member of the network.

• Use Databases. One of the best ways you can keep track of all of your network members is to actually write all of their names down in excel, along with some pertinent information about them, such as previous experience, level of interest, etc.

Most importantly, remember that you have to develop this as a habit, not just a skill. You will want to be careful to network and build relationships at every possible opportunity additionally, you will want to find ways in which you can make these relationships mutually beneficial.

Charismatic Leaders

Perhaps two of the most important traits you can develop as a network marketer are leadership ability and charisma. In this specific context, I call them “habits” because they are something you will want to repeatedly do until you feel as if you have no choice but to do them.  Charisma is not something easily attained nor is it any one thing, as many people incorrectly categorize it.

Rather, you can be surly and loud mouthed, but still have charisma. Likewise, you can be awkward or unconventional and still have charisma. Being charismatic more importantly involves being confident in the type of person you are and then being able to repeatedly and consistently convey that image to members in your network.

If you can do this clearly and boldly, people will want to follow you, regardless of your personality. This is where our next important habit comes in  leadership ability, which goes hand in hand with charisma.

If you’ve developed charisma, people now probably want to follow you the only question is where you will lead them. Do you feel confident telling them how to replicate your success? Do you feel confident telling them to do something you haven’t done, but know will work? Are you decisive?

All of these things are important components of leadership ability. Without them, you may be able to attract people to become members of your network, but you will be unable to lead them to anything other than ruin, which doesn’t help anyone involved    neither them nor you.

So keep this in mind when you are trying to develop new skills  be self confident and build your network around your own personality. Don’t feel like you have to be constrained to work within a given image of what is conventional or acceptable. Rather, create a personality that attracts marketers and then lead them with clear, well thought out decisions.

Watch this 47 minute training video from a 25+ year MLM Veteran, a world class network marketing speaker, and a 7-Figure MLM Earner… this video will not be available for free much longer, so hurry!

Thinking Outside of The Box

Conventional wisdom is the perfect roadmap to mediocrity and yet, for whatever reason, almost everyone who gets into network marketing  or any type of online opportunity  will skillfully adhere to each piece of conventional wisdom they have heard over the years. Unfortunately, this is often to their detriment.

Rather than subscribing to conventional wisdom, test it yourself. Find out if it really works. Experts love to tell people what is and what isn’t possible. With that being said, remember that they are experts and often do have valid opinions to offer however, that does not mean what they say is true for you. This is why it is important to break from this conventional wisdom and test it yourself.

Another reason why it is important to break with conventional wisdom is because it will give you an edge over your competitors. While they slave away, following the dictates of someone who may or may not have any grasp on your industry, you can immediately position yourself above them by introducing a renegade method  something everyone believes is too risky or can’t work.

However, it is important that you do know what the conventional wisdom actually is and why people say it is that otherwise, you wont be a renegade    you’ll just be someone who refuses to learn from mistakes, a failure. So begin your break with conventional wisdom immediately.

Start putting everything to the test. Conventional wisdom might suggest that you should approach potential members of your network in a certain way. Try doing the absolute opposite. See what effect it has.

The only thing you will want to avoid violating is consistency. In your attempt to break conventional wisdom and to find the best methods, you will still want to retain that persona you have worked hard to develop, so do your best to be both creative and to avoid ruining your reputation at the same time.

Tools And Tactics For Network Marketing

It is true that anyone can do anything they want. If you’ve ever tried anything in your life you’ll agree things are a lot easier when you have a plan to follow and the proper resources available. Well, Network Marketing is hard but even more rewarding. As long as you’ve got everything in order you’ll be good to go. Here is what you need to succeed.

Perfect Products Build Perfect Up lines

One critical component of successful network marketing involves joining both the right company and the right up line. If the product you are attempting to sell is inferior, uncompetitive, or oversaturated, you will have a considerably tougher time than you would with a highly competitive product in a relatively untouched market.

But finding the right product poses a challenge. If the product is not your own, you will have to find a business that has a network sales structure. Otherwise, you will only be able to sell the product as an affiliate for commissions, rather than recruiting other people to do that for you.

Currently, there are a number of health oriented companies that have such network sales structures. Specifically, vitamins and health testing products often have network structures.

Additionally, many as seen on TV products have network structures. Many of these products also have large enough markets, so that selling shouldn’t be an issue.

Now, once you have selected a solid company with a good product, your next step is to actually select the best up line. In some cases, there will be a specific benefit to having someone under you in a given up line.

For instance, some networking structures put all new members under older members, so all those who join after a certain period of time, earn a percentage of commissions off of those who join later. If this is the case with your selected product, by choosing a good up line, you are also choosing to position yourself well to earn from all of the people your up line recruits.

So keep these two things in mind when selecting a new opportunity  find both the best business and the best up line for what you want to sell. Combining the two will significantly increase your leverage when building your new marketing network.

Selling Product The Right Way

At this point, you’ve selected a product and an up line. You know what you are selling and who can help you, but you may be unsure of the best way in which to approach the sales or recruitment process.

Step one is to “know thy target audience.” If you don’t know who you’re selling to and understand what motivates them and drives them (and, coincidently, why buying your product would be a good idea), then you’re barking up the wrong tree.

Now, in this specific instance, since you are network marketing, your goal is to know two different audiences  the first is the group of people who might buy the product you are offering the second is the group who might join your network.

You can get a rough idea of who falls into the first group by looking at the product you’re selling  what is it? And who would want to use it? If it’s a vitamin, for instance, who might you target and why should they be interested?

Could it help improve their memory? Could it prevent them from getting sick? Could it help them gain muscle mass?

Now, when you’re targeting potential members of your network, you’ll essentially be doing the same thing. You’re marketing the value of your product to marketers, too. They have to understand why the product and the opportunity are better than the other thousands of opportunities floating around on the Internet.

If you understand the mind set of both of these target groups, you should then be able to market to them effectively. Just keep this important principle in mind. Whatever you’re marketing, you should market it as a solution to a specific problem that group of people encounters.

If you can describe who such a person might be in your head, you will also understand what that person might want and subsequently how best to target him or her.

A Numbers Game

Unfortunately, to some extent, network marketing is a numbers game. In order to increase your commissions, you constantly have to set benchmarks for network growth. But as a network marketer, you know that most of those you attempt to recruit wont do it and most of those who do it wont succeed.

This means that you have to find dozens of people, present the opportunity to them, and then train those who join to succeed. The best way to get started is to literally write 100 names down. These will be your first 100 attempts to gain members of your network.

Now, you can draw these names from a number of different places if you want, you could write down names of friends and family members you could write down names of people you talk to on a regular basis or you could purchase leads from a company and specific certain parameters that you want.

Whatever you do, start by writing down 100 names. It seems symbolic and unnecessary, but you have to set benchmarks in order to ensure that you keep a high standard for your level of growth otherwise, you might think you are working hard, but in reality, you are doing considerably less than is possible.

As I mentioned, there are a number of different places you can find these names however, there are also different types of leads you can find. For instance, if you purchase them from a lead generation company.

In that case you can differentiate between leads you can contact over the phone and leads you can contact through email or mail. Depending on what your opportunity happens to be, these differences could be quite significant.

So start by writing down 100 names. If there is some specific “better way” to do this, then do that also. But what is more important is that you actually get 100 names down on a piece of paper.

Perfecting Phone Calls and Presentations

Being a successful Network Marketer not only means being able to sell well and build a big network.  A major part of your success is going actually one of the easiest “things” to perfect. Your phone call and your presentation.

Many people will immediately resist any type of offer    especially the offer to join a marketing network, which is often perceived to be a scam. Unless you’re quick on your feet, chances are you will be unable to respond to many issues that leads raise about your program or about your offer.

Instead, figure out what these are in advance and record more of them as you go along. Now, in addition to this, you will want a general format to follow. You can start by introducing yourself and the product.

You can then move on to a problem solution model, whereby you pull a problem out of them something they have experienced recently   and then propose a solution using your product, whether you’re presenting the product itself or the networking opportunity.

Practicing these two parts  the presentation itself and the answers to potential problems and questions  are hands down the most important parts of network marketing. If you flounder around on the phone or if you make your presentation in a completely unprofessional way, your target audience is almost guaranteed to reject you as being an amateur.

Remember:  You’re not only selling the product you’re also selling your image. If your target audience suspects that you have had no success with the program yourself  and it is evident in your lack of confidence  how can you then expect them to pick up the program, too? The answer is that you can’t.

So practice your phone call routine, your answers to questions, and your presentation until you have them all memorized.

The First Call

Nerve wracking? Yes. Fear of the unknown? Absolutely. Required for your success and as a learning tool? Without a doubt. Relax and really pay attention to what I am saying here. You’ve now prepared a comprehensive presentation for your product.

And should anyone challenge you about the program or ask a detailed question, you’re ready to respond to it in depth and accurately. So what’s next?

Making your first call is next. If you’ve never been involved in network marketing in the past, this is probably an extremely anxious, nerve wracking time for you. You actually have to call your first person and present to them everything you have learned about your product and about the network.

Don’t let this discourage you. Additionally, don’t let the outcome discourage you, either. There’s a good chance you will be flatly rejected by your first lead. And there’s an even bigger chance that the lead will lose interest at some later point in the conversation, regardless of how well your call goes.

But this is all part of the numbers game. In order to succeed in network marketing, you must be rejected many times more. So make that first call and be confident about your position, your product, and your opportunity.

At worst, you’ll end up crossing a name off of a list of 100 and moving to the second name. In fact, if they reject you earlier, that might be better than later it’ll save you some time.

Now, with that being said, it is still important to carefully react to various problems the person you’re calling presents.

Just because the person on the other end of the phone is raising issues does not mean he or she will not accept the opportunity it just means that he or she must be given sufficient evidence. And it is your job to do this through the call.

Whatever you do, keep in mind that the outcome of the first call is not necessarily reflective of how successful you will ultimately be. Whatever happens, continue to plow through that list of 100 names undaunted.

Recruiting Like The Pros

The only difference between you and the “big guys” is what you are doing. In the past, network marketing was something done completely offline. If network marketers advertised at all, they would do it with flyers or with classified ads in newspapers.

Unlike marketers today, they had no opportunity to reach massive amounts of people at a very low price. Today, you can reach network leads through dozens of different outlets many of them Internet based.

Additionally, there are companies that now specialize in extracting highly targeted leads for this exact purpose. One quick way in which you can recruit network leads is to setup a “squeeze page,” which captures names and email addresses and then send traffic to it.

Once leads sign up through the squeeze page to join your mailing list, you can then send them a training course, which teaches them the various ways in which they can make money with a network marketing program.

You can then make subtle attempts to get them to join your own network in several of the emails. Another way in which you can recruit network leads to fill your down line is to send out mailings through e zine advertisements.

This is one of the fastest ways in which you can immediately reach tens of thousands of people with very little effort. You can use forums to recruit members for your down line. You can make useful posts on Internet marketing forums frequently and then use a signature file that gives a brief overview of your network marketing opportunity.

Another way in which you can build a down line is to use free advertisements. If you have a low budget, you could accumulate credits on a traffic exchange or banner exchange program and then use that to get your advertisement placed on various exchange sites. This is a relatively effective and easy way to increase the amount of people who join your mailing list through your squeeze page.

Build Your Business Even Bigger

My goal thus far was to give you the basic foundation for great Network Marketing. Chances are you haven’t even recruited your first member but give it time. If you build it they will come. Now that you’ve got the foundation down it’s time to put on the finishing touches. Getting right down to it…

Lead By Example

In an industry where many people are fighting nail and tooth to earn more money in any way possible, leadership by example is indeed a rare find. Network marketers are far more likely to tell down lines something that will make them stick around than something that will ensure their success.

This is especially true when they have heard of some new technique that theoretically could work, even though they haven’t yet tested it for themselves. This leaves you with a wide open opportunity to gain a competitive advantage.

By simply embracing leadership by example, you can immediately do something almost none of your competitors either within the company or selling for another company  will ever even think of doing.

One of the best ways to lead by example in network marketing is to setup various initiatives. For instance, one month, you could pick some specific type of advertisement and then thoroughly train every person in your down line on the advantages of using it.

The best way in which they can use it. You can then run a campaign yourself, record your results and methods, and send it to your entire down line.

Working closely with your down line will not only help them to improve how they do certain things, but it will also embolden them to stick around and to promote you to their friends, who might be on the fence, trying to decide whether or not your opportunity is legitimate.

So make this your new goal  always lead by example. Show your down line what to do and what

not to do and most importantly, make sure you have already done it yourself and know that it works. If you lead by example, everyone else has a chance to benefit and to help you in return if you lead with theoretical ideas, you might help someone, but it will most likely be accidental.

Maximize The Best and Minimize The Rest

“Down line retention.” Maybe you’ve heard of it maybe not. Surely you know what I am getting at though. You can view this similarly to how you would view traffic generation  you can take two approaches you can either “recycle traffic, so that it comes back or you can constantly pump fresh traffic into the site.

Ideally, however, you want both mechanisms to be working, as that will not only generate more traffic, but it will also keep more traffic on your site. This is true with network marketing. At this point, however, you have a rough idea of how to gain that new traffic and further, how to convert that traffic into members of your network.

The next step is to retain those new members by training them and reducing dropouts which go hand in hand. You should start by developing some type of course, which starts by covering the absolute basics of network marketing and the moves to the more complex, harder to understand parts.

Additionally, if your goal is to retain network members, you shouldn’t attempt excessive up selling in your course. Rather, only suggest what you believe is absolutely necessary and only what you believe will affect the best possible results for someone who is either an average or below average network marketer.

Now, in addition to producing a course, you may also want to create a manual of some sort. You can send this to each member of your network immediately upon joining. This can be a more comprehensive field guide that directs them through any potential problem they run into as a new network marketer.

Remember  to make yourself accessible to everyone whoever needs help. You might offer your email address to all of your new network members in a personal email you send to everyone or you might even allow them to contact you by phone.

Motivation For You And Your Team

Motivation is the driving force behind the actualization of all rational thoughts and processes. You might be able to clearly think through decisions, but in order to have the will power to actually go through with those decisions.

You need some sort of intent or emotion to back up those decisions. This underlying “emotional drive” can best be described by motivation.

For you, your motivation might simply be gaining the ability to care for your family or spouse. Perhaps you have been unable to find stable work for a long period of time.

You may feel like this network marketing opportunity is your only chance to break out of being dependent on a boss and actually work hard to do something for yourself.

Whatever your motivation happens to be, you will always want to build further on it. Find new and more powerful ways to motivate yourself by creating lists of things you need or want.

You can start by creating lists of ways in which you can change other people’s lives for the better if only you had access to the types of resources you could gain through this network marketing opportunity.

Now, with this in mind, consider carefully how you could motivate your own network in addition to yourself. What drives them? What do they need? And how can your network be a solution to that problem?

As I’ve mentioned previously, leading by example is critical as is motivating by example. If you show constant enthusiasm for the opportunity and put all you have into making it work, then your network partners, too, will see what you’ve said and do and will attempt to mimic it.

In contrast, if you fail to motivate your network to action by not consistently taking action, you can expect them, too, to be more inclined to give up easily or to accept failure with little resistance.

Pay Attention To Your Leader

Once we’ve remained successful for a long period of time, we fall into the trap of thinking that there’s nothing else to learn we know it all and we can tell others what to do, but we are self sufficient. This is definitely not true.

Even if you are a multi millionaire, perhaps the most successful network marketer in your niche you can still always improve what you do and one of the quickest ways to do that is to learn from your up line.

Imagine the value of having someone like you in your own down line. Imagine having some who is constantly recruiting new people constantly training new people and constantly getting those new people to close sales and to recruit more people.

If you could do this on a regular basis, just think of how much better you would do. What if you have 5 or 10 people just like you in your down line? You might be thinking “that’s great, but there’s no way to do that.”

But, there is if you have an up line, someone recruited you. If you can duplicate the process that the person used to find you, train you, and mold you into the network marketing all star that you are today, then you can also fill your down line with people who are just as talented and dedicated as you are.

But first, you must start by back tracking. Figure out what made you decide to join and what made you decide to try as hard as you do. One good way is to look at what the members of your up line are currently doing. That’ll give you a rough idea of the persuasive strategies other experts are using to increase their down lines.

Additionally, you will want to look to your up line members for any strategy they employ at all. Since they have more money and more resources than other network marketers, they are also more likely to be able to test out new things.

Really Getting Into Network Marketing

In addition to all of the conventional ways to expand your network marketing business, you will also want to pull out all of the stops and use less conventional, smaller, and harder methods for finding new members for your network.

For instance, if you started off by selling your product as an Internet based network marketer, you probably haven’t done any offline presentations at all. Nor have you probably put much thought into offline promotional methods.

This creates an interesting issue  while it is much easier and often less expensive to advertise online, if you’re advertising an Internet based network online, the online market will probably be heavily saturated whereas the offline market may have never been exposed to it at all.

One way in which you can advertise to the offline market is to create a cleanly designed flyer and post it in various public places where it is permissible. Remember to use the problem solution model.

Start off by targeting people who have a problem (i.e. people who need extra money) and then explain who, using several bullet points, they can solve that problem by joining your network.

Another way in which you can advertise offline is to design and purchase a box of business cards for your network marketing opportunity. Having your name on a business card for what appears to be a legitimate opportunity is one of the best ways you can look professional.

You’ll also be viewed as trustworthy, which is unbelievably important in this specific market. You can then distribute these business cards to people you meet at seminars and you can also even leave them at businesses, provided that they allow you to do so.

You can also make an attempt to become a speaker at an offline seminar event. This will help you to gain credibility and also to begin creating interest in your specific methods of networking and promotion.

Network Marketing Mistakes

As I mentioned previously, there are a number of things that differentiate successful network marketers from average network marketers or those who never manage to do anything extraordinary. If you want to avoid falling into the trap that will keep you an “average network marketer,” you will want to look out for these five critical mistakes:

“Joe” Mistakes

• Avoid Doing Anything That Makes You Uncomfortable. Yes, that’s right  if you want to be completely average, it’s easy all you have to do is stick with the things that make you most comfortable. Never leaving that range will ensure that you never do anything that could possibly differentiate you from someone else.

• Stop Building Your Network. Again, being average is easy it means that you can stop growing your network as soon as it reaches a point where you’re comfortable. So rather than growing your network further, you can simply allow it to stagnate once you’ve reached some critical point.

• Don’t Memorize Scripts or Practice Presentations. If you’re going to maintain your average ness, why bother going to the trouble to memorize anything or to plan a superior, convincing presentation?

• Don’t Set Goals. If you’re going to be average, you can expect that you will almost never end up succeeding in any goal you set, so why bother to set them in the first place? You don’t need to be under that type of pressure.

• Avoid Systematizing Your Business. Why bother knowing where things are when you need to find them    and streamlining all of the various functions, so you don’t have to repeatedly do menial, unnecessary work? If you’re going to be average, you might as well keep your organization at an average level.

Now, if you want to avoid being average, I would suggest that you train yourself to avoid all of these serious thinking pitfalls. At some point in our careers, we all fall into them however, if we want to stay above average or get there for the first time we have to get past these obstacles and do something that is truly unique and consistent.

Pro” Mistakes

By now, you’ve heard about all the reasons why “average network marketers” fail however, what you may not realize is that top network marketers fail in many ways, too. It may not mean that they’re failing in the sense that average marketers are that is, failing to make any money at all.

But many of them make bad mistakes, too, which also prevent them from accomplishing goals. Below, I’ve listed some of the more common mistakes they make:

• They Fail to Communicate Well with Prospects. Many successful network marketers have massive networks and, as such, they have less time to communicate with prospects. This often causes them to lose new members who might otherwise provide an excellent contribution to the network.

• They Fail to “Dumb Down” Material. While most prospects aren’t “stupid” they are often new to the business, which means they wont understand complex concepts. Many top network marketers simply fail to bring their program down to the level of new prospects and instead approach them as if they are marketing professionals.

• They Fail to Realize that Network Members Have Limited Resources. Often, when people have much higher incomes, they fail to realize that not everyone can afford to take as much risk. To a successful network marketer, purchasing a new product might not be a big deal however, to someone who is just starting because they lost a job, it might simply be too expensive and risky.

• They Fail to Delegate. In general, this is one of the biggest mistakes that every business owner fails to make  they fail to send assignments to those who can specialize in that area of work. Instead, they try to do everything themselves. This limits both their time and the quality of the work they do.

• They Fail to Expand Consistently. This is yet another deadly flaw for top marketers. They are amazingly talented, but they can’t seem to organize things well enough to consistently expand. Instead, they constantly find themselves overwhelmed with work  and with very few solutions in mind.

So don’t despair. If you’re a new marketer, you don’t have to worry about being perfect no one is. And if you’re an old timer with a lot of experience under your belt, there are always new ways to improve how you build your network and how you then manage it from there.

The Networking Marketing Lifestyle

One of the best ways in which you can understand a topic or a business is to completely inundate yourself in it. Spend so much time working with your topic or your business that you understand every single facet that you rave about it like a madman in conversation whenever you talk to one of your friends that you dream about it whenever you go to sleep.

If you spend a lot of downtime watching TV, think about whether or not you could do something related to network marketing instead. Think about it  is there some way in which you could spend your time reading about network marketing instead? Or is there some other substitution that you could do instead?

I personally suggest that you find ways to spend time recreationally that involve learning about network marketing  or viewing case studies of successful networks. You could check various sources for DVD’s, downloadable movies, books, tapes, and MP3s. No matter how old the information is, much of the tactics will still apply to today.

Additionally, even if you aren’t able to focus your free time around network marketing, it is a good idea to at least consider the amount of effort you put into it from time to time. As someone who is in charge of her own schedule, you will want to consider whether or not you are really putting in as much time as you could be.

For instance, do you actually have an extra 2 3 hours each day that you could spend doing organizational work for your network? Could this extra time make you more efficient in the long run? If so, you will want to consider using it as time to work on your network.

Another thing you will want to consider is whether or not the time you spend “on the job” is actually accomplishing anything. Are you actually gaining new members each day? If not, why isn’t that one of your priorities? If you’re Internet based, are you spending a lot of time aimlessly browsing unrelated sites? If so, you need to rethink your schedule and habits.

Meeting and Beating Your Marketing Goals

The top in any business is tough. This is especially true with network marketing, which requires you to constantly recruit new people. If you ever want to get to the top, you have to recruit any unbelievable amount of people and gain a reputation.

Then you’ll find a way to rope in a number of top players in your industry, who can multiply your own network marketing efforts by a factor of ten. When expanding your network marketing business, I personally suggest you do the following things:

• Set clear objectives for daily action. If you don’t have a goal each day, then you have no way of measuring whether or not you succeeded in doing what you should have. Additionally, without goals, it is easy to slip into inaction.

• Re organize on a regular basis. Rather than assuming you have achieved some “perfect” level of functioning, expect that change itself is a constant. And if you don’t keep up with it, you are in the process of falling behind.

• Create mechanisms for coordinating with your network members. Don’t simply expect that they can figure things out without you. Many of them may be inexperienced, but if they are given sufficient training, they can be as effective as many “top marketers.”

• Challenge your assumptions. You may think that some certain guiding principle is always right however, if you challenge that assertion and test it, you may find out that the exact opposite is true. For this reason, it is a good idea to constantly test everything you believe is true.

• Create a long term “to do list” and re evaluate it on a monthly basis. Always set goals, but also spend the time to consistently re evaluate them. If you find that you are changing goals too much, you will want to re evaluate your expectations, too.

And there you have it five critical elements of creating a successful network marketing business. Use them in conjunction with the other methods discussed in this report and you are sure to become a “top network marketer.”

Watch this 47 minute training video from a 25+ year MLM Veteran, a world class network marketing speaker, and a 7-Figure MLM Earner… this video will not be available for free much longer, so hurry!

In Closing

It was truly a pleasure to share with you the new rules of network marketing. I intended for you to get a firm understanding of Networking Marketing, what it is and how to do it. Well. You should now be prepared to step into the battle field and start or expand your business.

These are the very same tactics used by today’s top Network Marketers. You’ll recall I mentioned it’s not the person that makes the business, it’s the business that makes the person. Maybe I didn’t say that line for line but you get the idea here.

If you throw yourself into Network Marketing and practice what I’ve preached there is no reason you can’t make your dreams come true. Just remember. Start small. It’s almost guaranteed that a million dollar income isn’t possible.

At least in the beginning. Like anything it starts small and grows over time. One of the benefits of not being an overnight hit is that along the way you will encounter good people to have on your side and they are likely to stay that way for years to come.

I realize I gave you quite a bit of information in a short amount of time. My apologies but you had to learn this one way or another. Allow me to recap what we went over and what you should have picked up along the way. Shall we?

What You Should Have Got

• The 6 habits of highly successful networkers that you must have for your own… especially if you strongly desire to build a large network! (Notice I didn’t say “desire to earn big”? It’s a valid desire but it won’t come until you first desire to build your own network!)

• The single most important trait you must have in you – it is having this trait that can maximize your closing in for sales when selling your company’s products and recruiting downlines!

• How to quickly & easily overcome your shyness when calling & meeting people! If you’re a shy person or don’t talk much by nature, I will show you how to overcome this barrier in a snap without having to risk spewing a lot of unnecessary hot air in the process!

• How to make “making BIG money” your second nature in network marketing! (Hint: there is a saying that you’re the total sum of the five people you spend most of your time with!)

• Why conventional wisdom is for average networkers… and I’ll expose the wisdom that the top 10% of the successful networkers in the world subscribe to!

• How to jumpstart your networking marketing business explosively!

• How to be a top seller, raking in BIG bucks from your company’s products without having to lose friends and scare people away in the process!

• How to successfully duplicate your success through your downlines by the masses! (Hint: this is a very critical point where most average networkers don’t get passed, even though some of them may be good at sales! Incidentally, this is your ticket to leverage and residual riches!)

• The one critical factor that can make your network marketing business sink or swim!

Pretty good huh? I said this before but I’ll say it again. I really had a great time teaching you about Network Marketing that the other guys won’t. I wish you the best of luck and I have a feeling you’re going to do really well, especially if you follow this guide. Until next time…

I hope it was a pleasant read

Warmest regards,

Jason W Steward

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